Latte kept me company

Burning another temperature and SO stuffy

Getting blood drawn

Asking Daddy "Will it HURT"?

FINALLY asleep after 5 bloody noses!
I got sick, and STAYED that way for a week. My Mom and Dad got pretty worried about me on Friday and decided to take me to the Dr. on Saturday. He said that I should have my blood drawn to check my white cell count and maybe a chest x-ray to make sure I didn't have pneumonia and he sent us to Primary Children's. I had to have a needle in my arm, and I was pretty scared about that, but Mom and Dad said I did SO GOOD, I didn't even cry! My white cell count was good, so I didn't have to get the chest x-ray, the Dr said I had official "inFLUenza" and I went home to hopefully get better by Monday or I was going to have to go back in to the Dr. I felt much better on Monday and was able to go to school, I was a bit tired but I was ready to go to school.
I am so glad I feel better, and I hope to never get that again!!
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